
When Will My Hair Grow Back After Chemo

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When Will My Hair Grow Back After Chemo - picture of bald woman

If your hair fell out because you had or are having chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer, you may be asking yourself, ‘When will my hair grow back after chemo?’ or you may be even asking yourself, ‘WILL my hair grow back after chemo?’ When my hair seemed slow to grow back, I definitely asked this!

Before I started chemo, I scoured the internet looking for clues as to when my hair would fall out. Then once all my hair did fall out (actually I shaved it off), I searched for answers as to when it would grow back.

After chemo treatments finished, and nothing but a few sprouts of hair showed, I REALLY searched for answers. I got scared that my hair would never grow back! And, let’s face it, it will NEVER feel like it’s growing back fast enough.

Of course, it eventually did. For me, it wasn’t gradual either. One day there was almost nothing. Then the next day, my hair started to grow like wildfire (and curly to boot)!

Within less than a month of my last chemo treatment, my head went from shiny bald to a crew cut.

Results May Vary

Everyone is different and so it’s really unpredictable as to when exactly your hair will be back.

I know it’s not the answer you were hoping for. I didn’t like it either when I was looking for definitive answers.

My hair grew back evenly but on the slower side until that wildfire moment.

Other friends in my chemo treatment friend circle, had different experiences. Many seemed to have long tufts grow back before they were even done with chemo. One friend said she felt like she had mange! Lol!

One person didn’t have anything until three months after chemo ended but then it grew extremely fast.

Don’t Watch the Water Boil

The more you focus on your hair growing back, the slower it will feel.

Try to focus on other things in the meantime. You’ll be having bad hair days again in no time! 😉

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